5 Ways to Stage Your Home to Sell Fast

5 Ways to Stage Your Home to Sell Fast

        Home staging is a great way to attract buyers by making small changes to your home that will create a more professional atmosphere. This marketing strategy is used to help your home sell quickly and at the highest price. Allowing potential buyers to envision themselves in the home helps them start to see your home as their new reality.

  • Invest in Curb Appeal: The curb appeal is your home’s first impression. It is important to take inventory of what needs to be improved upon such as potting plants, mulching, mowing, pulling weeds, and other easy fixes.
  • Less is More: It is crucial that you work to declutter your home. Minimalistic furniture and decor is best. According to Stucco, “Decluttering may be the easiest way to bring more appeal to your home.” Take out extra items or unnecessary furniture. Also, work to depersonalize your home such as putting family photos away, removing items from the front of the fridge, and cleaning up kids' toys. When potential home buyers walk into your home, they should be envisioning themselves living there, not you.
  • Seek Out Strengths and Weaknesses: Stucco states,Expound upon the strengths and limit the weaknesses.” This could look like cleaning the windows and buying new curtains that bring in more light because light brings openness. Also, if your living room is small, you could put minimal furniture to make the space feel more open. Find ways to highlight the attractive qualities of your home, and how to restructure so that the weaknesses are minimized.
  • Freshen Up Your Spaces: Making the effort to update some items in your home can make a huge difference. This tip is easy to implement. Some examples of this are placing new fluffy towels in the bathroom, putting fresh scent boosters in different rooms, and placing new bright white blankets in bedrooms and living rooms. Think of making your space like a hotel with clean white accents.
  • Fix Small Repairs: Focus on fixing wear and tear within your home. Go to each room and make a list of small/inexpensive repairs that you see. Even though these may seem small, potential buyers will be looking for these as signs to move in or move on. Some examples include: touching up the paint, cleaning the gutters, upgrading door knobs/handles, and changing light bulbs.

        House staging is a process and a little tedious, however the results do not disappoint. Making small changes may seem like a waste of time, but these changes add up to big payoffs. It is important to take the time to invest in making your home the most attractive space it can be. 





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